Monday, November 30, 2009

I won a writing contest

I was inspired to write this piece by my friend, Laura. We know several folks who write, so she put forward a couple of titles and challenged us to spin a yarn in the form of a blog entry. She threw in some encouragement by way of competition and of course, the promise of great fame.

It is said to write well, you must write what you know. Well, I know rednecks and plenty of them. This story came to me fast and furious. Laura limited our word count to 800, which is about half of my unedited version. Pared down, my entry was still somewhat over the limit, but it was good and I was ready to shoulder the penalty for my word count violation.

Turns out that the joke was on me. No one else entered the contest. I write a Redneck Pulitzer and everyone else decides to take a powder. Needless to say, I won the contest by default.

So, if you've got a nice cup of coffee and a soft spot for those lovable fellas who are full of adventure and yet entirely void of sound judgment, click the link below and enjoy the ride.

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