Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blog victim

I was inspired to tell my family photo story after I read a similar one posted by my friend on her blog. Now, I wasn't planning on telling the whole thing, but instead, thought I'd add a note of encouragement (or at least sympathy) to the comment section after her post.

Normally, I read her blog and comment about it on her FaceBook page, because the blog site requires some sort of identification or account to participate. I decided to take the leap and register, start an account...whatever. Google is a friendly word, so I started there. Good thinking! I have a gmail account. I typed in my account info and voila! it knew me. I was on my way to leave some commentary. It's a bit hazy now, but the screen asked me what name I wanted give my blog. My blog? How did that happen? I must have done something wrong. I scanned the page. There must be something to click on. I don't always know what the question is, but in computerland, "click on something" is the universal answer. The back arrow is a safe one, so I started there. Not helpful. So, like any computer illiterate, I click the forward one. Back, forward, back, forward. I'm stuck here.

The only other option is to answer the question. What do you want to call your blog? The cursor marks time. I feel the pressure as it blinks at me. I'm trapped. "Alright, I'll play along, but I don't have to be cooperative." In an effort to be difficult, I type in "I have a blog?" It doesn't care. Zoom, on to the next question.

It asks me about an address or url or something of the like. "Hey sport, this is your ride, I'm just a passenger." So, I type into the box "confused passenger." It clearly agrees with me and then congratulates me for starting a blog. Suspecting that I might have an opinion about color, it asks me to make some choices about aesthetics for my blog screen. Great, more stuff to click on. The result is the fine screen you're visiting now.

Here I am, a blog owner. This brings about a whole new set of questions. What should I write? I feel strangely responsible, like I made a purchase and ought to make the most of it. Are there rules? How many other skill-free techno-idiots such as myself have gotten railroaded into starting a blog?

Then today, I had to consider an entirely new question. How do I post to my own blog? You'll be glad to know that it only took me 15 minutes and 25 screens to find the answer. I'm sure my 11 year old son could have done it in 2, but then again, he doesn't have a blog. Or maybe he does.

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least you make a dang fine jelly!
